Friday, October 17, 2014

Tamplin Mews Gardens - Playground Consultation this Sunday 19th!

Dear Maida Hill resident, 

Tamplin Mews Park is a much loved, well used green area, which has become very run down. 
The park has had limited access for over a year, yet is still in daily use by many local families living in flats without gardens. 

There is now an opportunity to vastly enhance the playground. Thames Water has given Westminster City Council £80,000 towards the cost of a new playground. We would like to improve the space and create a safe, inspirational area for local children. 

It was agreed at several of the regular Thames Water/Optimise update meetings currently being held whilst the work across North Westminster is in progress, that consultation with local parents/residents/stakeholders/WCC would be arranged on site at Tamplin Mews, yet no discussion or meeting has been arranged to date. 

The playground needs to safely cater for families with children under 5, and also children aged 5-12. The playground is also used by WECH as the under 5 area for community events. The community welcomes the opportunity to be involved in both the design and implementation of new ideas for our treasured park. 

What we would like: 
 Full consultation with local parents and park users. 
 An indication of timescale. 
 To know which company has been commissioned for the design & build 
 Exploration of different options (eg. All new equipment? Or keeping some existing elements?) 
 Introduction of natural materials 
 Maintaining green space and trees (no dogs) 
 Covered seating - a gazebo? Shelter from the rain. 
 Indication of costs, and budget. Is further fundraising required? Volunteers? Corporate involvement? 
 Possibility of expanding the playground? 
 Other equipment, benches, bins for the rest of the park. 

Local families can easily be contacted through WECH, local nurseries, schools, churches, residents associations, local businesses & forums, and word of mouth. 

Please join us on 19 October 2014 at 4pm at The Chippenham Pub to discuss the refurbishment of the park. 

Want to see regular updates from Thames Water?

Thames Water's projects managers publish regular progress reports. You can access them here:

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Flood prevention work begins in W9 on Tues 27th August, straight after the bank holiday.

Thames Water will be producing regular updates, the first of which is attached.

Show your support by Liking our Facebook page!
We'll add bite-sized updates as and when they come in:

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Dear All,

I'm sure you'll be delighted as we are to know the campaign has been successful:
WE WON!!!! 
Planning permission was granted on Aug 6th 2013 for the flood alleviation scheme to go ahead.

Our community demanded action from Thames Water. Thames Water listened, created computer models to understand the problem, evaluated solutions, investigated sites, came up a proposal, got OFWAT funding approval and finally, planning permission.

It's taken 4 years of meetings, reviews, consultations, discussions, and more consultations to get here!
Big thanks to all in the community who contributed, and to Westminster City Council and our local Councillors  for their support in getting this problem taken seriously, as well as pushing Thames to achieve the best possible solution for the community.

It's a real victory for people who've suffered sewer flooding for a long time.

So what next?
Work will start on the £17.5m project this autumn.

Like us on Facebook to get bite-sized updates as work progresses.

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 2013 Update: almost there

A decision will be made tomorrow regarding planning permission for Thames Water's much needed flood relief for our neighbourhoods.

We still need your help to ensure it does go ahead: please email Westminster TODAY to express your support. A decision will be taken tomorrow (6/8/13) and if we all do our bit, it will go ahead.

1) The scheme will consist of massive rainwater storage tanks underneath two parks, Tamplin Mews Gardens and Westbourne Green. These will temporarily hold rainwater during a downpour, feeding it slowly into the sewer system. This will prevent the sewers from overloading and letting water flood back up via toilets and showers into peoples' homes. When the tanks are in place, the parks will be restored on top of them, with new turf, planting and improvements such as new childrens' play equipment.

2) Next Step:
  • Write direct to Oliver Gibson, Planning Officer: quoting ref 13/02076/FULL (Tamplin Mews Gardens) and / or 13/02077/FULL (Westbourne Green).
OR use these links:
If you're not sure what to say, feel free to copy / paste sample text at the bottom of this post.

3) If you're wondering Why do we need to do this, isn't it a no-brainer? Yes it is, for the 400+ properties and businesses who've lived through it. 

Unfortunately, not everybody sees it that way; some residents (who luckily have not been flooded themselves) have objected strongly to the Tamplin Mews Garden's scheme. Most people's concerns are based on incorrect information, although a few simply object to the inconvenience. (It can, perhaps, be hard to sympathise with the miseries of others if you haven't been affected).

Members of MaidaFloodAction have followed the progress of this project closely for the last four years, attending the many Thames Water drop-in sessions as well as meetings between Thames Water and Westminster Council. We have asked questions, raised objections, made suggestions and been listened to every step of the way. We now firmly believe that the scheme but forward by Thames Water has been carefully considered from all angles and is the best possible solution available.

If you have any concerns about the scheme, do get in touch. I'll be happy to answer any questions or put you in touch with Thames Water's engineering contractors, who are very helpful and well-informed.

Thank you for your continued support. Hopefully the next post will be to say that work starts soon!


Sample text for letter of support:

Dear Mr Gibson,

I am writing in support of the flood relief scheme proposed for Maida Hill, Maida Vale and Little Venice, ref 13/02076/FULL (Tamplin Mews Gardens) and 13/02077/FULL (Westbourne Green).

These communities have suffered repeated sewer flooding over the last 10 years and we urge you to approve the project so that this may be prevented in the future.

Kind regards,
[Your name]

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Support the flood prevention scheme: write to planning dept

The flood relief scheme has funding, but still has to get through planning.

Please write to Westminster in support of the scheme! 

Before and after shots below. Your letter is confidential, no name or address is visible publicly. Click link below to add your support.

  • Link to planning page for Westbourne Green:

  • Link to planning page for Tamplin Mews Gardens:

Public meeting about the flood alleviation scheme:

WHEN: 5.30pm TODAY Thursday 9th May
WHERE: St. Peter's Church Hall, 59 Elgin Avenue, London, W9 2DB (modern brick building, corner of Elgin Ave. and Chippenham Rd.)


Those affected by the flooding are delighted that OFWAT has approved the the £17m funding required for Thames Water to install flood relief tanks under 2 local parks to prevent recurrence, like they did in Counters Creek and Bayswater. 

Residents near Tamplin Mews Gardens are concerned about the long term effect on our park, and why the flood-relief tanks must be located there, as opposed to under the open space near the P.O. in Chippenham Gardens. The temporary loss of access to half the park for 9 months is regrettable, but it is only temporary and it will prevent the ongoing misery of sewage flooding for hundreds of homes and businesses from Fernhead Rd. to Little Venice.

Our priority now is to ensure that Thames Water addresses residents' concerns about the scheme and - if it must be located under the park - ensures that there is clear agreement with both Thames Water and Westminster Council on restoring the park properly afterwards - complete with hills, hedges and daffodils.

Most important of all is that the scheme goes ahead - so please come and show your support!

Please also 'Like' and comment on our new Facebook page!