Dear Maida Hill resident,
The park has had limited access for over a year, yet is still in daily use by many local families living in flats without gardens.
There is now an opportunity to vastly enhance the playground. Thames Water has given Westminster City Council £80,000 towards the cost of a new playground. We would like to improve the space and create a safe, inspirational area for local children.
It was agreed at several of the regular Thames Water/Optimise update meetings currently being held whilst the work across North Westminster is in progress, that consultation with local parents/residents/stakeholders/WCC would be arranged on site at Tamplin Mews, yet no discussion or meeting has been arranged to date.
The playground needs to safely cater for families with children under 5, and also children aged 5-12. The playground is also used by WECH as the under 5 area for community events. The community welcomes the opportunity to be involved in both the design and implementation of new ideas for our treasured park.
What we would like:
Full consultation with local parents and park users.
An indication of timescale.
To know which company has been commissioned for the design & build
Exploration of different options (eg. All new equipment? Or keeping some existing elements?)
Introduction of natural materials
Maintaining green space and trees (no dogs)
Covered seating - a gazebo? Shelter from the rain.

Possibility of expanding the playground?
Other equipment, benches, bins for the rest of the park.
Local families can easily be contacted through WECH, local nurseries, schools, churches, residents associations, local businesses & forums, and word of mouth.
Please join us on 19 October 2014 at 4pm at The Chippenham Pub to discuss the refurbishment of the park.